It occurs to me that there are people out there that have never heard our Lord speak to them. In going through the process of “Finding My Religion” one thing that has overwhelmed my senses from the very beginning is when My Lord speaks to me. I’d like to attempt to explain how that feels.
My wife Teresa and I are planning on moving this year. We want to sell out home in the Raleigh area and move to the North Carolina Mountains. Now obviously, one thing that hits your “worry” button is the real estate market these days. We have seen our house depreciate in value some $30,000 dollars in the last few years. Teresa, God Bless her, is a worry wart she lets everything get to her……She worries that we will not be able to sell our house. And yesterday in particular she was stressing very badly that we were in over our head. She came to me yesterday and told me that she was near her wits end having to deal with this worry.
As many Christians will tell you, you just never know when The Lord is going to come to you and answer your prayers or put something on your heart. I was sitting in our living room yesterday when all of a sudden this unbelievable sense of peace came upon me…..and as clear as any verbal communication we have with each other…..I was told to go to Teresa and let her know she was not alone…..that Our Lord Jesus Christ would take care of us and see that we would be able to move. I’m probably not doing a very good job at explaining this message. When My Lord speaks to me it comes in this calming voice that reassures me that he is aware of our problems and will be there to help us through our tribulations. The peace I feel when receiving these messages is like nothing we find on Earth. You know that what is being told to you is “the truth”…….this message cannot be received any other way from Our Lord….He is the truth……..His voice is confidence…….His voice is clear…..His voice is resolute…….When He speaks it is like the reassuring support that you receive from your earthly parents, only stronger.
I have no doubt that My Lord is with me and that he speaks to me on occasion. To those who have never experienced this I am very sorry……take this message as encouragement……Jesus is there for us all…..all we need do is to let him in….listen with your heart and soul….He will answer your prayers.